I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Vivisection refers to surgery conducted for experimental purposes on a living organism, typically animals with a central nervous system but generally this term is also being used when somebody refers to any kind of experiments conducted on animals.
This kind of experiments is usually done on behalf of the businesses and corporations to test whether the products ( beauty products, medicine, food etc. ), are safe to use on humans - their customers. Although the intentions of the producers are good, the methods which they use to achieve the goal are very painful for the animals. It is a method of trials and errors and unfortunately every error means pain, suffering and even death for the animals which are being subject to the tests.
Obviously those who do those tests on animals don't see and don't realise that the animals are suffering or even if they see the suffering of the animal they think of them as something inferior and just continue with the experiments. And obviously the greed and the desire to make big profit out of the final product keep them even blinder to the fact of abuse which they commit every time they do experiments on animals.
There is a group of people ( activists ) who try to defend the rights of the animals and they try to stop these kind of experiments. But unfortunately the efficiency of their efforts is low.
And here is the question why the efficiency of their actions is so low ?
Well... the fact is that the majority of people are blind and ignorant to the fact that the corporations conduct the experiments on animals and they simply buy the products in the shops without any complaint about it.
The corporations want to make as much money as possible and to avoid any kind of problems and lawsuits which would cost them a lot of money and bad marketing, they minimise the risk of it by conducting experiments on animals and a relatively small group of activists who protest against vivisection is not going to stop them.
To be continued...