I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is going to be short today but the point is extremely important.
Lately I have got across friends on Facebook who live in the countries where there is domestic war. Before I would feel sorry for them and I would simply continue with my life believing that I can do nothing to help them.
But today my approach to this topic is completely different ( thanks to Desteni and the Desteni I Process Course ). I realise that I am not as small and insignificant as I thought before about myself. I realise that I am interconnected with all that exists and that I am responsible for all that is happening here on earth within the current system - including the war. If you have problem grasping it then read my articles or contact me on Facebook and I will explain to you how it works. It is very simple but most of the people struggle with it.
Anyway instead of feeling sorry for the people living in the war zone I start to analyse what can be practically done to help them and to stop the war. And apart from this I also ask my Facebook friends who live in the war zone what they can do to stop the war.
Yes... these people must also realise that they must stop waiting for somebody else ( including god ) to save them and they must do something practical to stop the war. Obviously for the person who is still thinking that s-/he is small and insignificant this kind of question is a shock. It is normal simply because we are used to think that we are powerless victims who can do nothing to change the situation and thus my question is something literally out of space.
But unfortunately there is no other way to go. We either do something to stop the war or we will continue being victims and being subjects to unpredictable circumstances of war.
OK... so this is my realisation about my Facebook friends living in the war zone. And now the question is what I do to stop the war somewhere out there ?
First of all I am using the internet to raise the awareness about it and try to get people to get together because once there is group of people with common the objective to stop the war then it will be possible to achieve it.
Secondly I work with a group of people from Desteni to establish and implement new system which would support life and eliminate the cause of war which in most of the cases is the desire for power money. This new system is called LIVING INCOME GUARANTEED.
If I can do something else I also engage myself into the practical doing.