I am catching up with posting online my articles.
We as humanity and at the same time the whole earth have a very big problem because of "because I love my children and I would do anything for them...".
I am talking here about a mother who tries to fulfil every desire of their children trying to make them as happy as possible. And within this she doesn't see that she has been possessed by the desire to make their children happy by fulfilling their every desire and through this she is responsible for a lot of problems within this this world.
Of course there is nothing wrong with trying to make life of our children as easy and as happy as possible but only as long as we use common sense and logic together with love which cares for the best of the child as well as the best of the whole world. And when we have a situation when a child is disrespectful towards his mother, when the child expects mother to buy the newest model of iPhone even though she struggles to pay the bills, when the child is abuses her physically, when the child denies to help mother with cleaning the house etc. and the mother still continues to fulfil the desires of her child and she does nothing to correct the behaviour of her child saying that she loves him and she would do anything for him, then the story is different because here we are talking about the so called "blind love". And this has nothing to do with love and instead we are talking here about abuse.
Of course it all has to do with emotional problems of the mother but apart from this we have here a huge problem for the whole world.
Why the whole world ?
Because this child doesn't have proper education which he should get from his parents and thus he will go out there and he will be doing the same shit as he did and does to his mother. If he doesn't realise what he is doing and if he doesn't make the correction then during his lifetime here on earth he will do a lot of abuse and shit to himself, others and the nature. And every time he does harm to others and then this person will make the decision to be also abusive as a revenge then the pyramid gets bigger and there are more people involved in it. And this is how one person can affect the whole world. It is a chain reaction. And then there is great possibility that his children will do the same because the father will not be able to give proper education to his children.
It all starts with the mother and the father. Thus remember that "because you love your children" can cause a lot of harm all over the world and you are responsible for it. Thus make the necessary corrections as soon as possible to prevent the abuse.