I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Be very careful and don't piss off those who advert positive thinking.
Although it seems that I am ironic I am actually quite serious in my statement.
And the question is why would I say something like this ? And what is wrong with the positive thinking ?
Well... in general there is nothing wrong with positive thinking but if a person becomes literally obsessed with it then this positivity is being used to supress anything that has been defined ( very often self-defined ) as negative and then we have a big problem.
Why ?
Because all that has been supressed and not dealt with appropriately will accumulate and grow and at some point in time it will be so big that it will cost a person more and more energy to continue supressing it and stay positive. And eventually there will be a moment when the pressure will be so big that this person will have to release it somehow. It is like a volcano. The release of pressure is very violent and destructive. It is not what we would expect from a person who projects continuously an image of positivity, beauty and peace and thus everybody who sees this outburst drops their jaws on the floor. But this is just the result and the consequence of suppression of the negativity.
Now... it is important to mention here one important point. This outburst is obviously something which is generally being regarded as negative and doing something, which is negative by a person, who has built an image of positivity about him-/herself within the mind and in the environment ( friends, colleagues ) is not acceptable at all.
But this is not a problem at all because the positive person can do anything and also s-/he can do magic to make this negative act to disappear. Now I am being ironic !!! :-) .
In my experience in dealing with positive people I have noticed that there is something interesting ( but also fucked up !!! ) going in their mind because they simply don't see that they have done something negative. They see that this was the other person doing something negative or they justify their negative act because they were provoked by another person and through this their negative act is not being regarded as negative by them and thus they can continue with their image of perfection and positivity.
It is almost impossible to prove to them they have done something negative because within their mind they see something completely different which at the same time makes them blind to see the reality.
But if you have an undeniable proof that they have done something negative and you will persist trying to prove it to them, then you will become their enemy number one and they will push you out of their life and they will make sure to tell everybody around how negative and how devil you are. And those who are not aware and who are blinded by the light and beauty of this positive person will not believe you and will take their side.
Thus be very careful with obsessively positive persons. They are walking volcano pretending that it is dormant. And if you do something ( especially questioning that they are not positive ) they may exploded and discharge all the supressed negativity on you. They may even beat you up and of course you will be guilty and they will stay innocent ( virgin ).