I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I remember the times when I was at easy with the money and I had a lot of free time for myself. And in those times I had moments when I simply thought of new things, inventions, making new plans. But this was not forced by my life situation when I have to struggle to survive. It was different type of creativity. It was creativity out of joy of creating something new. And the same was with cleaning my house. It was not because I had to do it but because it was fun to do. It was a joy to clean my house.
Today I find myself in different situation. My financial stability is not so good and I have to work a lot. I think about doing new things but I am forced to do it because of the need to secure my survival. And I see clearly that this type of creativity is completely different.
Now... can you imagine what this world would be like if everybody had enough money to secure all the basic needs - food, clothes, house etc. ? People would be doing things out of joy of doing them and I am sure that we would have many new discoveries, improvements, technologies etc. It is simply a fact that when somebody is at easy with life and all his/her basic needs are secured then this person is much more productive and creative.
Obviously in the current system there are relatively very few people who have their basic needs secured and they can dedicate their time towards "joyous creativity" and the vast majority of population is simply struggling and fighting to survive.
This doesn't have to be this way. it is just a matter of changing the current system in a such a way that everybody has granted equal access to food, water, clothes, house and few other things necessary to survive here on earth. Thus all of it would be a right granted at birth and secured by the system for the whole life of a person. It may seem like a utopia but as a matter of fact it is quite possible. And we already have a proposal of this kind of system called Living Income Guaranteed. And now we just need to implement it in real life. Obviously this will not happen by itself and even god is not going to do it for us and thus all that is necessary to make it real is your vote and your action.