I am catching up with posting online my articles.
"In God we trust" is the famous motto which is being imprinted on American currency. It first appeared on the U.S. coin in 1864 and since 1957 it is also being used on the paper currency.
And another famous saying is "God bless America".
And here is the question...
How come we use the name of god to do the evil acts ?
Every time you use your money you involve god into it ( at least according to your beliefs ). Every time you pay for crime, every time you pay for war you are using god to do the evil acts. And in this way you abuse your god... if god exists. Of course you use your money also to do the good things. But then it looks like it doesn't really matter what you do with it - god participates in all. And if he participates in all then he is also the abuser. If he participates in the crime and he doesn't do anything about it to stop it then he is the criminal himself. If I used your name to do the bad things and you have found out about it then you would try to stop me and most probably you would sue me in the court for it. Thus why god does nothing to stop you from abusing his name and use his name to commit crimes ? In the end he is much more powerful than you are... he is the ALMIGHTY ONE !!! Is it the sign of his unconditional love for his children ? Or is it the sign of not giving fuck about what you do ? Or is it the sing that he is completely powerless ? Or maybe he doesn't exist at all ?