This is the continuation of the previous article:
Although the situation is very difficult to deal with, it doesn't mean that we can do nothing to change it.
And thus one of the first thing we should do we should take their guns away. Actually not so much taking their guns because that would be extremely dangerous for us but at least we can stop supplying both sides with guns.
It is obvious that the weapons are not falling miraculously from the sky sent by almighty god. There are businesses and companies all over the world manufacturing military equipment and they are selling it to the rebels as well as the forces of the president. And although the economy in Syria at the moment is in very bad shape and the currency has lost its value on the international markets, these companies will make huge profit from these transactions. It is just that they will be paid over the next 10 or 20 years after the war is over.
Thus the first solution for this conflict is to stop supplying military equipment to Syria.
Second important point is to start the negotiations with both parties insisting to stop fighting immediately. I know that some international organizations and some governments are trying to engage into the peace talks with both sides of the conflict in Syria but if somebody else is interested at the same time in making profit out of this war by selling guns and military equipment then this kind of negotiations is just a farce.
Another point that we could imply here would be starting education of the population in Syria to stop participation in the war, tell them to reorganize in groups of self-help etc. I don't know how but the internet in Syria is still working. And we could use it for this purpose. We could also drop millions of fliers etc. all over Syria encouraging people to engage into doing something to stop the war.
Paypal and Western Union - you should stop taking commissions for money transfers to Syria.
Instead of organizing the military actions by USA and its allies they should actually focus on how to supply food, medicine and other things necessary for survival for Syrians who are in need.
As you can see these are basic and common sense points towards the solution of the war in Syria. If all the nations focused their efforts on really helping Syria to stop the war instead of planning to intervene with military action and drones, then we would have peace in there already long time ago. But the obvious point here is that we have people who are interested in making profit and for them a war in Syria is an excellent opportunity to become wealthy.
But still even though our leaders - presidents, politicians, kings and queens, don't want to do anything to help Syria, it doesn't mean that we ( the people ) cannot do anything to stop it. As I have written in previous articles the guns and military equipment is not being made by the kings, queens and presidents but by normal people who are getting paid for it. Thus if you stopped your participation in the production of weapons then we would be able to start with something even though our kings and queens and those who are in power do nothing about it.