I had problem with internet last night and thus I am posting my article today.
There is destruction and there are many people in Syria who suffer tremendously because there is war going on in there. And they need desperately help.
But who is going to help them ? What is the solution for all this shit that is going on in there ?
Should we pray to god ?
Let's try and see if that works... if it does then all is perfect... if the war doesn't stop tomorrow or even in the next few days then it is obvious that the prayer doesn't work and we must find another solution.
Should we send the troops from United Nations and try to force both sides to stop fighting against each other ?
We could try to do it but within this process there will be also casualties among the soldiers from United Nations.
Should we use the drones ?
There will be civilian casualties among the population of Syria ( just like in Afghanistan ). Yes... I know that people in Syria are dying anyway everyday as a result of bombings and thus we could choose the less evil. But we would prefer - if possible - to not go on the compromise and be forced to choose between the more and the less evil solution but instead we would like to try to find a real solution for the problem.
Should we help the government or the rebels so that the conflict finishes quick and in this way the war would stop ?
But who should we help then ? Who is right in this conflict ? How will we make decision about whom we should help ? Should we flip the coin ?
NO... we cannot do it ?
Should we enter at all in this conflict and try to stop it or should we let them do whatever they want and pay for the consequences of their own choices and literally their stupidity ?
Again... we are here trying to figure out the solution and we don't want them to continue killing each other anymore and stop the conflict if possible.
To be continued...