This is the continuation of the previous article:
First of this whole situation shows that we have a polarity construct in which one side has power and the other one is powerless. Within that there is a third element - the black candles. And one side believes that by using them he will be able to influence the other person and the other person believes that he can do very little in regards to the spells made with the use of these special candles.
But you see... it is all based on beliefs... and thus instead of giving personal power towards these beliefs and thus become subject to influence by anybody using the black candles, all that would be necessary is deleting this beliefs from the mind, stop giving them power and that's it.
But within this there is also another important element - the breath and the awareness of the breath.
This kind of manipulations, influences and control of other people is much easier done when the person is not conscious and not aware of his/her presence in every moment of breathe - here and now. To explain this I will use the example of publicity which is intended to influence a person to buy the product. Thus let's say that we have a poster with a picture of a beautiful model and next to it we have the product and some phrases and words.
Now... this sexy model ( woman ) represents the hidden desires of men and this is effective enough to get men out of the point of presence and awareness of breathe. And while he is on a journey within his mind imagining his secret desires with this model these words on the poster and products are being imprinted in his mind. And later he goes to the shopping centre he buys a certain product. Of course he believes that he makes the choice out of free will but unfortunately he is mistaken. He has been influenced. And the poster is just a small part within the whole marketing campaign because the marketing team ( if they are good ) will also make sure that later these men ( while inside of the shop ) will be further appropriately stimulated so that their desire to be with the model will be activated within their mind in the moment of making a choice about buying certain product and they will buy the product because this will give them sensation that they are satisfying their desire to be with the model. Derren Brown has shown and explained a lot of fascinating things about how people can be manipulated and controlled while believing that they make certain decisions out of free will. It is all bullshit. We are not free. We only believe that we are free and this is the key to manipulate others.
Thus if you don't want to be manipulated and controlled by anybody, make sure that you are here and present in every moment of breathe. If you are aware, nobody will be able to insert into your mind any kind of images and give you some commands to follow. And it would be also necessary to investigate your beliefs which you have already accepted throughout your whole life, you got used to them and now you take them for granted e.g. about the black candles. And stop giving them your power because once you give them your power they are your masters and they control you. And you feel powerless against them because then you have another belief that it is not possible to change them. There is also a course Desteni I Process which is very helpful in learning how to identify this kind of seemingly invisible beliefs and stop giving them your power.
To be continued...