wow... this is my first article which is up to date after long time... keep it up Greg...
Thus I have decided to leave bread on the side despite the fact that it was difficult for me to imagine how I am going to substitute it and what I am going to eat. And in this situation I had no other choice but to eat the same food 2 or 3 times a day. I thought that it is going to be boring but within this process I have made some interesting discoveries and realizations about the food which is beneficial and nutritious to my body.
Ok... time to tell you my secret !!!
Thus this famous food which I eat 2-3 times a day is brown rice with beans or vegetables and then I add to it either chicken, fish, eggs, salad, fresh fruits. Maybe it seems to be very monotonous but it is not boring at all too me because it gives my body the necessary nutrients, it is easy to digest and my body likes it. Only sometimes I go to the restaurant to eat something different. But in general this is my everyday food.
And thus I have been on this food already for few weeks and I have not been eating bread in this period at all. Thus it is all possible.
Now... in this period of not eating bread I have noticed that whole process of the digestion of food doesn't produce as much gases ( farts ) as it used to when I ate bread. And this is very interesting discovery within this confirming to me further that bread is not so beneficial for my body.
I have also realised one another thing...
Within this process I have removed from my life something which seemed to be irreplaceable and this forced me to look for another ways and solutions. And surprisingly these new ways and solutions are much more beneficial for me. But I would never get there if I have never left my comfort zone and did the test. The test was meant to be done over period of few weeks with the intention to see what if. And because it looks like I have found new and better solution thus I will continue without eating bread.
Now... this is very important thing... I want to make clear here that my experiment doesn't proof that all bread is bad - this is probably true for many people but not for all. My experiment only shows that bread made from GMO grains with the addition of other additives ( E-substances, yeast ) is not as beneficial for the body as we think. All of these unnatural substances force the body to use extra energy to break it down and process it in the digestive system. And this means that our body needs to use its own energy to break it down while it should be the opposite. And this weakens the body which quite often leads to sickness. Not many doctors will tell you this. But who says that the doctors are always right ? Always the best way is to do the experiment for yourself like I did.