I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Within this one thing is for sure... if we don't do anything about the phobia which we have created within our minds then the animals will suffer and they will face the point of extinction. And believe me that once we kill all the sharks we will not feel safer at all.
Do you know why ?
The problem is not out there with the sharks... The whole problem is within our mind... within us... and thus when we kill all the sharks the fear will continue to exist but we will find another object outside of ourselves ( other human beings ) and we will try deal with it by killing it. And this can go on for a long time. But the only problem is that at some point there will be nothing else to kill anymore outside of ourselves. And maybe we will realise it in that moment but the problem is that the damage would be irreversible and we will reach the point of self-termination because there will be no possibility to sustain life on this planet.
Anyway this is all for now about sharks. And now we will go to the point of ghosts...
Personally I don't have much direct experience with the ghosts and demons. I have heard some stories about it and thus I have not much to say about it in terms of how to deal in details with this problem. I say it is a problem because some people report really terrifying stories about their experiences with the ghosts. But I like to go always to the basics and use logic and common sense - because this always works. Thus a lot of the fear and phobia about ghosts has been created by humans within their mind and the film industry has helped greatly to spread and multiply this fear ( same as with the sharks ).
And here we have the same type of behaviour. In the case when somebody feels the presence of ghost s/he falls immediately into panic and fear. The logic and common sense are being shut down by fear and this person doesn't think and consider that there is a possibility of establishing equal relationship with ghost/s. Because if we are equal with something and we don't give our power away to this something then this something cannot harm us. If we can be friends with sharks ( as it has been proven by many people already ) then we should be able to be friends with ghosts and demons.
I know that for somebody who is in the middle of the house where there are moving objects, strange noises etc. it is difficult to believe that the solution is that simple. But it is... It only seems so difficult because this person has got used to giving his/her power away to it for long time, has forgotten how to be equal and there is only one way highway within the mind that the ghosts and demons are bad. It is the same extreme negative thinking which leads people to kill 100 million sharks per year. As a matter of fact people are also trying to deal with this problem in the same way as with sharks... by killing the ghosts ( ghost busters and exorcisms ). But the difference is that the ghosts are nonphysical and there is no implication on the environment and the whole planet.