I am catching up with posting online my articles.
According to studies there is a rise in the suicide rates and it is being linked to the crisis which started in 2007. I know for sure that the crisis is not the only factor contributing towards increased number of suicides but yet it is one of the main ones.
But how is this possible if according to other indexes the economy is doing quite good !!!
Look... the Dow Jones index ( DJIA ) was yesterday ( 18 Sep 2013 ) at the record level of 15676 and this is 1600 points above the highest level before the boom. Apart from this "..there are now over 50% more millionaires than there were in the dark days of 2008...".*
And thus WTF is going on here ?
We don't have to be a genius to see that through the crisis the money has been redistributed from the middle and lower class to the accounts of the wealthy ones and thus now we have more millionaires and we have more bankrupts and poor people and some of them decide to commit suicide because they can no more support themselves within the current system. As I said before this is not the only reason for increased suicide rate but yet it plays important part within it.
And what is the future ?
At the moment it looks like the markets and the economy starts to stabilize although it is all the time unstable and the unemployment is still high. But this is the new normal to which people get used to and eventually they will stop to complain about it. After some time ( maybe few years ) people will get confident that the economy is really stable and booming and then the wealthy ones will stage another crisis, the story will repeat itself and at the end of the cycle there will more poor people, more suicides and there will be more millionaires and billionaires as a result of redistributing of the wealth from the lower classes.
But we should not be surprised about it. This is normal within the current system which cares about the continuous growth of the economy and rise of the mathematical indexes instead of taking care of every being which is the expression of life. And we can expect more of it in the future unless we decide to stop this stupid cycle of abuse and create a new system which is best for all and which values life and not money which are illusionary anyway ( credit bubble ).