I am catching up with posting online my articles.
But what about if the priests were to confess the sins to normal people instead of other priests ?
I know that within the catholic religion it is understood that the sins can only be forgiven by god and the priests are the middle men ( specially chosen by the almighty one ) between god and the people but in the end we ( the believers ) are all children of god and we are also equal in his eyes. Thus why not ?
I know that this idea stays within ideas and is not going to be put in practice ( at least not in the near future ) and thus it all stays within the realm of "what if" and "what would possibly happen if" but within this we can use common sense and logic to come to certain conclusions.
Thus listening to the confessions of the priests people would be able to realise that:
1. Priests commit the same errors ( sins ) as the normal people ( believers ) and thus we would be able to come to the conclusion that they are not really that special as we think.
2. Some priests commit errors/sins which are criminal acts and many of them should be sentenced to jail for very long and in some instances for life ( sexual abuse of children ).
3. Many priests have addictions ( alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, sex, masturbation, sugar etc. ) like everyday people and they struggle as much as others to stop them.
4. There are priests ( I don't know the numbers but knowing the nature of humans and hearing some stories from real life there should be many )who have sex despite that fact that they should live in celibate.
5. Many priests are greedy for money and they will not provide the basic services for people unless you pay them.
6. Many priests spend money on personal desires ( luxury cars, holidays, prostitutes etc. ) instead of helping those who are poor and struggle with survival.
7. Organization of church is fucked up like other organisations / corporations and you simply don't see and you don't know about the shit ( corruption, manipulation, greed, competition, fight for power, jealousy ) that is going on in there because it is kept secret.
8. That you have been brainwashed effectively and you have fooled/hypnotized yourself - also effectively - so that you look at the fact of reality but you don't see them or you ignore them. For example you hear about many priests abusing sexually children but you ignore it and you don't act to stop it and instead you simply continue going to the church believing that the priests are saints and the special messengers of god.
9. God either doesn't exists or he doesn't give a fuck about what is going on here on earth allowing his special messengers to commit all of these errors and crimes ( all categorized under the word sin ) and let them get away with it.
Al that I have written here is either based on personal experiences as an ex-christian and my observations but I am certain that listening to the real confessions of the priests we would come to many other ( sometimes shocking ) realisations. Thus I encourage you to look at the facts, stop ignoring them. Make decision based on the facts and not on the illusions and act to stop the bullshit if you see any.