I am catching up with posting online my articles.
If you are active Christian then you are probably going regularly to church to attend the mass And you probably also already know that priest - just like every catholic person - should confess his sins before god. And this act of confessing the sins includes the pope himself. Well... although priests are the messengers specially elected by god they are humans and they do commit errors called sins and thus they must confess them to receive forgiveness.
But have you ever wondered...? Have you ever asked yourself a question what kind of sins do the priests commit so that they must later confess them ?
I guess many people don't ever think about it and thus if they were to answer this question in a quick survey they would probably say that the priests confess that they have sinful thoughts which are the temptations of the devil. I was born and raised in Christian family and this is what I thought are the sins of the priests. And I guess this would be probably the most common answer. Apart from this maybe somebody would answer about the sins, which were the result of miscommunication or misunderstanding.
But apart from this... do priests have other sins ?
To be continued...