I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Global warming, pollution, climate changes etc. are the big topics not only in the media but also among the politicians and the normal people. You don't have to be the scientists to see the changes in the climate and the environment. It is enough if somebody says something like: "the weather has never been like this before !!!".
Now... the politicians and the scientists are already trying to figure out what can be done to stop it and reverse the negative changes in the environment. Part of this efforts are certain experiments which actually cause more harm than benefit e.g. HAARP experiment, chemtrails and other experiments which remain top secret.
But I don't want to talk about these issues in this article and instead I would like to talk about the simple facts and basic solutions which are very effective and quite often very cheap.
Thus one of the very important points which the scientists and the politicians miss is that fat people put a lot of stress on the environment. Look at this simple facts:
1. The digestion process of food in the bodies of fat people is not function well and they produce a lot of toxic gases which get into the atmosphere. I know that farts are much more natural and environment friendly than the fumes from the car but still excess of these gases has negative effects on the environment. Obviously it is rather impossible to measure the negative influence of farts on the environment but without having the exact figures and statistics I know that this is first of all not healthy for the person and secondly it affects automatically the environment negatively.
2. Fat people need big clothes and thus one fat person will use resources which could serve on average 2-4 slim people. Again scientists and the politicians don't look at this aspect. But certainly losing weight would immediately reduce the use of the natural resources.
3. The same as with previous point applies to food. We need to produce much more food to satisfy hunger of fat people.
4. Fat people get sick much easier and they use a lot of medicine which ends up in the drain and gets into the water. Those who know something about homeopathy should know that this is really not good if the traces of medicine get into the ocean and drinking water in excessive quantities.
5. Fat and sick people are more inclined towards destructive activities which - either directly or indirectly - affect the environment negatively.
What is the solution ?
Lose weight and take care of your bod because in this way you will also take care of the environment. But losing weight is not only about the diet and exercises. It is also about stopping to be greedy and wanting to have more and more. This psychological element is not being taken into consideration by the scientist, doctors and politicians but as a matter of fact this is one of the main reasons why humans are getting bigger and fatter.