I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Here are some realisations of mine in regards to the point of dealing with the problem of addiction within the relationship:
1. You must realise that you cannot stop your partner from taking the substance and getting addicted from it.
2. But you can do everything possible to stop yourself from participation within the mind construct which lies behind the addiction because this mind construct has been co-created with your partner and thus you are responsible for it.
3. Stop blaming your partner and expect her/him to do something. As I have said in the previous point you are involved in this mind construct and if you were fully aware you would not allow it to happen and advance to the point that you feel completely helpless.
4. If you do feel completely helpless focus on your breathe and try to stop your mind. And later try to investigate and analyse the whole situation by writing it on the paper and look what can be practically done to stop further participation and creation of it. By writing it down on the paper it will be easier for you to prevent the possibility of getting lost within the mind and thousands of thoughts.
5. Remember that even if you think that the whole situation is helpless and you feel completely lost, you always know what you should do towards the solution. This first thing that you know that you should do, is the first step and once you do the first step you will know what you should do next. But quite often you miss this point because you allow the doubts within your mind and you don't do anything. This happens also because you expect everything to happen in an instant instead of realising that this is a process which takes times and consists of many steps. And unless you do the first step and remove the first energetic layer form your mind, you won't be able to see what to do next.
6. Before you start helping your partner, try to analyse your life and make the list of the addictions which you have. But don't look at just the most common ones like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Sugar, porn, sex etc. are also addictions even the society doesn't define them this way. And once you have identified your addictions try to stop one of them for a period of 21 days and observe yourself and your reactions. This way you will be able to understand how the addiction process functions and this way you will be able to assist your partner - who is addicted - much better and much more efficiently.
7. Don't be afraid to finish your relationship and leave your partner even though you think that without you s/he will not be able to manage to handle her/his life. Try to find the solution which is best for all and if you see that this is the best for all then do it.
8. Once you see clearly how destructive the addiction is and once you understand that it can be stop and prevented, start working on implementation of a new global system which would handle effectively this problem through education and prevention. Once you understand better the process of addiction you will know what are the reasons for getting addicted and once you know this you can work on eliminating the causes and thus preventing the addiction and all the consequences coming from it. And this can be achieved by implementation of a new global system which is based on the principle of what is best for all and which encompasses the whole economic, education, health and other systems. Thus you may join Equal Life Foundation,which already works on implementation of this new system by implementation of the Living Income Guaranteed which will be followed by Equal Money System.