I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have written in one of my articles something like this:
"...the further and the longer we go away from the point of balance and equilibrium, the easier it is to get lost and the more difficult it is to find the way back to the center... and if we are in the center and in the equilibrium point then it is very easy to detect the bullshit and not participate in it and prevent the possible consequences coming from it..."
Now... in the last few weeks I have been investigating the point of healthy and effective way of supporting my body with food and liquids. And during this experiment I have reduced and eliminated as much as possible all the foods which are highly processed, which contain additives and which are "plastic". This is not as easy as it may seem at first but I have managed to do it. Thus pretty much all of my diet consist of brown rice, vegetables, beans, potatoes, salads, fruits, eggs, chicken, fish, nuts and water. As you can see there is no bread, no milk, no yogurts, no cereals, no alcohol, no bier, no Coca Cola, no sweets, no chocolate, no desserts or any other stuff which most of the people eat daily and believe that they cannot live without.
The results of my experiment are extremely interesting:
1. First of all I did not die.
2. Although it seems that my food is very monotonous it is at the same time very nutritious and I don't have the feeling of being bored with it. My body assimilates it quite easy and I don't have cravings for some other shit ( sweets, deserts etc. ).
3. When I speak with other people about their diet I see clearly the point that they are completely lost within what is really healthy and nutritious for their bodies while I have regained more clarity in regards to the food which is good for my body. And this is the realisation which I have written in the beginning.
And thus within this I see that we ( people ) are completely f...ed because we are away from the center and we are lost in regards to what is healthy and what is not and through this we are creating for ourselves a lot of unnecessary and painful consequences in the form of sickness and accelerated death.
What is the solution for all ?
You may go and study in details everything about nutrition which may take you some weeks or even years. Or you may take a shortcut and use common sense and logic. And the shortcut is to go back to the "nature" and eat foods which are as natural and as least processed ( by the factories ) as possible. I know that today it would be very difficult to have completely clean food but at least do as much as you can. And do this for some 3-4 weeks. Do the experiment and see it for yourself.