I am catching up with posting online my articles.
There is a case of a person having cancer and going through the standard chemotherapy treatment. Unfortunately this is already 5th time with chemotherapy and the cancer is still there.
Now... this person has been presented recently with an option to try to treat her condition of severe imbalance in her body - which manifested itself as a cancer - with natural medicine under the supervision of a person who has got a lot of experience and success with it. But the decision of this person is to actually continue with the treatment prescribed by the doctors.
Thus what do we have here ?
We have something which is rather not effective but we put a lot of hope and beliefs into it and on the other side we have something which is effective but we don't believe in it.
And I ask myself: "Why don't we look at the facts and the evidence and why do we follow the illusionary beliefs - like in the religion?".
First of all this is the result of the brainwashing and secondly this has something to do with personal fears of a person. But also when I look now at my last question I realise that the same applies to the religion. We hope and believe in something ( god ) and we deny looking at the facts of the reality.
When is going to come the time when we start to open our eyes and we stop taking the things for granted without investigating and proving them to be real ?