![USA is planning a war in Syria after chemical attack](img7yrs/img_day500.jpg)
I am catching up with posting online my articles.
All I can see is big confusion in media about the chemical attack in Syria. The official sources from Syria deny using chemical weapons but at the same time USA says that they have undeniable proof.
Thus what are we going to do about ?
I am not there to know it for sure. You are not there to know it for sure. One is saying that they have proof and the other denies it. And both sides are the official sources ( governments ) which are supposed to tell us the truth and act in the best interest of their people. And what about if USA or their allies have done this chemical attack themselves to have a reason to start the war ? Or maybe the Syrian rebels have done it themselves because this way they can involve USA and Europe to help them to get rid of the Syrian president ?
We live in so fucked up system that we cannot trust the media and the governments.
Thus should we flip the coin and make a choice who are we going to believe and support ?
But how can we decide somebody's life by flipping the coin ? That is f...k bullshit...
Thus the other option is to ignore it and not to give attention to it and just continue with life especially because this is happening so far away from where I live and it doesn't affect me directly. It seems like the easy way out... doesn't it ? And I guess most of the people will choose this way to go about this problem.
Thus what should we do about it ? What is the solution ?
It all seems to be so complicated and it looks like whichever solution we take, we will have to compromise on the values and somebody is going to get hurt anyway.
Thus can you see what is happening once you go into the shit hole ? You turn left and there is shit. You turn right and there is shit. You go forward and there is more shit. And you get lost within it. And you believe that there is no way out of it and then you try to find a place where the shit doesn't smell as much as in other places and you feel happy about it believing that this is all that you can get. But don't forget that even though you are a little better off than the rest, you are still in the shit whole and it smells there as well.
Thus what is the solution ?
Don't try to find the solution within the shit hole because as I have said before whether you turn left or right there is shit everywhere. Get out of the shit hole and get on to the ground. Go back to basics and use logic and common sense.
Thus can you see what is happening in Syria ?
They are in the shit hole.
Why ?
Because they have decided to find a solution to their conflict through war and war will never bring peace. Violence will bring only more violence. War will bring destruction, killing and suffering.
Thus what is the solution for Syria ?
Stop the war immediately. Stop trying to prove that you are right. Stop trying to take revenge for what others have done to you and your family. This will never get you anywhere. It will only bring more destruction and more violence. Get out of the shit hole and get the solid ground. Take a deep breath and stop creating more shit. Stop for a moment and ask yourself a question: "what is the solution which is best for all ?".
Can you do it ? Can you give up your ego and stop the bullshit ?