I am catching up with posting online my articles.
We have been taught that milk is really healthy and good for the bones. But is it really that healthy for us ?
For sure the milk is the best possible food which the new born baby ( human or animal ) can get in the first few weeks of their life. And I would even say that the longer the child is being breast fed the better.
But of course in the commercialized world where everybody wants to make as much profit as possible and at the same time we have become lazy and comfortable, the breast feeding is not being used as much as it should be and it is being substituted with baby foods sold in the supermarkets. But no matter how much the manufacturers, scientists and doctors say that these foods are safe and healthy for the babies, they cannot compare with the milk from the breast. Well... there are some instances when the mother is sick or she doesn't produce enough milk for the baby and then it would be ok to substitute it with these products but otherwise giving them to the baby is causing a lot of harm to the baby and makes its body weak.
And what about adults and consumption of milk ?
Well... it has been generally accepted that milk is very healthy and good for the bones. And maybe this is true. My parents were lucky enough to live in the country side and they used to drink milk in their adulthood. And I would say that their bodies are quite strong and healthy. But at the same time I have read a book pointing out that the adults should not drink milk anymore and as a matter of fact humans are the only species that drink milk in their adulthood. Thus in the end I don't know whether we should drink milk as adults or not. I will do some more tests and observations in the future and I will see.
But there is one big point which we are missing within this whole story about the milk. We have been taught ( I would even say brainwashed ) that milk is healthy but the milk that you buying in the supermarket is not milk anymore. It is a white substance which looks like milk but in reality it is not milk anymore.
First of all the milk that you buy in the supermarket is being treated with high temperatures and this is supposed to kill the harmful bacteria. But together with killing the bad bacteria there is also a consequence of killing the good bacteria which help with the fermentation and digestion of milk. And guess what ? If there is no good bacteria which can ferment the milk your body ( especially spleen ) will have to produce enzymes to digest it within the body. Thus the whole process of digesting this milk is much more difficult for the body and is actually putting a lot of stress on it.