I am catching up with posting online my articles.
On Monday and Tuesday I cleaned and organized my living space. And the funny thing is that the whole process of cleaning it took me about 4 hours but to get to the point of doing it I needed almost 5 months. Not that my room was dirty all the time but there were always things which were unorganized and I have always postponed them for later. My excuses were that I was tired or I had plenty of other things to do first.
Anyway the room is clean now and I really enjoy being in there. Apart from this there is another point which I want to bring on. Once the room is clean and organized it is very easy to keep it this way all the time. When I come home I put my bag, shoes and dirty cloths in the designated place instead of leaving it on the floor because before there was not enough place for it. Thus when I see a small things which needs my attention I do it immediately ( I put the bag away or I find a new space for a new thing ) instead of allowing the things to accumulate on the floor and come to the point when there is so much to do that it becomes a big job and I feel overwhelmed by it.
Do you get my point ?
I can leave the things on the floor and over a time it will accumulate so much that it will turn into a big job which will require a lot of concentrated effort to clean it or I can clean and the put the things away whenever it is needed. The amount of things in my room is always the same and I can either do the cleaning of the whole mountain in one go or I can clean them in a series of small jobs whenever they appear. Doing it as one job requires concentrated effort and in my case it took me some months to finally do it. And over the period of these months I have lived in a room which was not looking pleasant and I had constantly this annoying thought in my mind about the necessity to clean my room.
Now... let's have a look at the mind...
The mind follows the same rules as the room. We can allow to accumulate a lot of problems within the mind and when it comes to cleaning it up we don't know where to start and this in itself becomes a problem as well. It may take us years ( even decades ) to get to the point of deciding to clean it up just because the jobs seems to be too big.
But once the mind is clean then it is easy to keep it clean because it is also very easy to see the things which make it dirty. And once the mind is clean - just like the room - it is much more enjoyable to live in a body with a clean mind.
Thus if you want to start cleaning your mind and you don't know where to start - simply because your mind is literally so full of shit and that it seems quite often impossible to clean it which is quite often the reason to give up before even starting - I would recommend the DIP - Desteni I Process Course, which shows and teaches how to use tools to clean the mind effectively.