I am catching up with posting online my articles.
There are many of us here on earth who desire to have more money because we believe that having more money will allow us to have more exciting life. And to achieve this goal of having more money we work hard. Of course there are also those who don't like to work hard and they choose the shortcuts which means taking the road of lies, abuse and taking advantage of others for the sake of having a lot of money very quick.
It is very easy here to go into judgement and say that the second method is bad. But within this judgment we make ourselves blind to the fact that either way we choose we tend to loose ourselves. Working hard usually means that you have not much time for yourself and to actually enjoy life and apart from this there is a great tendency here to become addicted to work and further lose yourself within it.
Not everybody succeeds within this struggle to get a lot of money. There are many in this world, who work hard and despite of this fact they have not much money. But let's have a look at those who do succeed.
I know that having more money gives you the possibility to buy big house, new car, yacht and go on holiday. And you can also pay for all the adventures and entertainment, which you have thought at the beginning of your journey to get the money that it will make your life more exciting.
But unfortunately quite often this type of excitement is short lived and you need other - more intense - experiences and entertainments to give you "the kick" so that you can call it exciting. Thus you will be looking for something that will be stronger and that which will give you more emotional rush within the body or otherwise you would get bored. And this is another trap in which you can also lose yourself - addiction to ever stronger excitements.
But within this you don't understand that on the way to get a lot of money so that you can make your life more exciting, you lose yourself, you lose the connection with your body and you lose the connection with the nature, animals and earth. And once you lose yourself it is extremely difficult for you to understand that being aware of your own breath, that being aware of your own body, that being aware of the wind blowing gently between your fingers, that being aware of the smell of flowers, that being aware of the suffering of your fellow humans or animals so that you may help them effectively etc. will give you more joy then you can buy with all the money of this world.
And once it is difficult for you to understand that all of these free things can give you more joy and it is lasting permanently then you simply laugh at those who do it enjoy it and on top of it you fight them furiously when they try to stop you from further destructing their joy with your greed and desire to have more money so that you may pay for your next stronger and addictive experience, which will give you "a kick" so that you may believe that your live is not boring and it is full of sense while in reality your whole life is a fucking nonsense.
From time to time you have an opportunity to open your eyes, wake up and come back to yourself, which is being facilitated by the sickness. But unfortunately there are still very few who do realise it and the rest is simply continuing their crazy life ( if they survive the chemotherapy ), believing that they are the ones who are completely normal while those who don't share their point of view are being regarded as fucked up and/or utopians.