Catching up with posting online my articles
Some years ago I have dedicated a lot of time and energy into studying and practicing the law of attraction. And although I had some successes with it I have to also bring on a point which is that the law of attraction supports the abuse. I make this statement because I have seen this point repeating itself not only in my experience but also with other people using it.
Thus I have noticed that when I defined my goals I became kind of obsessed and possessed by them. And this obsession made me kind of blind.
Thus after deciding on what I want to achieve ( defining my goals ) and concentrating my energy on it I have attracted situations/possibilities to make it real. Or we could say that the Universe has given to me what I have asked for. And I have accepted these opportunities.
But you know what ?
By accepting these opportunities to achieve my goals I have compromised my values and I have contributed to the abuse of others. I will give you an example... I was always against alcohol because of what it does with people but still I have ended up working for a big company distributing it to shops. I have earned a lot of money but with this I have first of all compromised my values and secondly I have contributed to the abuse on a grand scale.
And I have seen similar stuff with other people. For example I know many sales people who used the techniques from the law of attraction and later they have achieved their goals by attracting possibilities to earn a lot of money. But unfortunately they did it by using the techniques of manipulation, hypnosis etc. to increase their sales. I say unfortunately because by using manipulation and lies they took advantage of other people and simply speaking they abused them.
I know that most of these people using the law of attraction didn't want to abuse others but I have seen within myself how the obsession has taken me very slowly into the shit and I have accepted it. I saw it but I had always a lot of excuses to continue doing it. And that is why I say that it made me kind of blind.
There would be completely different story with the law of attraction if it followed the principle of what is best for all. But until now I have seen very little of it because sooner or later the obsession and desire to achieve the goals takes over a being practising this law and s/he falls down with it.