Catching up with posting online my articles
Trust is just like love and I guess these two words go together hand in hand. But the same as love the trust has been greatly abused in this reality time after time. Thus the question is: "should we continue to trust our friends, family and loved ones ?".
And saying that trust goes hand in hand with love then obviously within this question we also ask whether we should continue to love our friends, family and loved ones ?
So what do you say ? What is your stand within that ?
Don't give me an automatic answer which has been programmed and placed into your mind but stop for a second and look at it closely.
For me it is already clear... I will continue to love but I will make sure that my words are not empty and they are matched with my actions so that these words are living words. And by speaking the living words I will also give people the reasons to trust me.
And at the same time I will not allow myself to get blinded just because somebody tells me that s/he loves me. And I will not trust anybody who has not proven with his/her words and actions that s/he is trustworthy and reliable. And the best proof of all is to show that you care for all and that you live practically the principle of what is best for all.
I know that some people would call me an egoist for not loving unconditionally and expecting a proof. But is it really the sign of egoism ?
You may trust unconditionally that which is life but if you don't live the principle of what is best for all then you are not life... you are an egoist and I cannot trust you.