Yes and no...
Firstly I remember when I was reading a book saying that the somebody has discovered in the 1970's a village in the jungle in which people were smoking on average about 50 cigarettes a day and still there were few people who lived over 120 years and many over 100 years. In general despite the fact that they were smoking so many cigarettes the life span in the village was much higher than in western society. Unfortunately someone has pushed this discovery of the scientists on the back shelf and today rarely anybody knows about it. Thus this was the first argument which made me to think differently about the cigarettes because it was a prove that the smoking is not as bad as we are being told on a daily basis by the doctors, friends, TV etc.
Later I have somehow forgotten about this article and I continued in my mind the anti-smoking campaign. I have to clarify that I have never smoked a cigarette and simply I was against the cigarettes as a health hazard.
But then again I was shown another prove that the truth about the cigarettes which we are being told officially is not complete. Thus one of my professors of the natural medicine has shown and proven to me that the cigarettes that he is smoking are actually a medicine for him.
Wait... wait... wait a second...
What have you just said ???
The cigarette is a medicine ?
Yes... I was surprised by it as well but I have seen the prove with my eyes. My professor performed a test ( look on internet for "muscle testing - Kinesiology" to learn more about it ) and indeed the cigarette which he was smoking had no negative effect on his body and as matter of fact the test shown that it makes him "stronger". And then it came to me the memory of the article that I have mentioned above and it all made sense to me.
But my professor has also told me that not all cigarettes are good for us. As a matter of fact most of them are actually poison and toxic as it is being said by the doctors and he has tested it. But the cigarettes that he was smoking were very expensive and they contained high quality ingredients without any toxic additives and these high quality ingredients were actually medicine for him.
But we must also mention here one very important thing. The cigarettes are being used very commonly to supress the emotional problems which bother us and we don't know how to deal with them effectively. And in that case it doesn't matter whether someone will smoke good or bad quality cigarettes because the act/habit of smoking which converts itself into addiction is destructive. But - as I have said - this is not only about the quality of the cigarettes. It is about the act of not solving the problems and instead supressing them and allowing them to accumulate and grow, which later quite often manifest themselves as cancer etc.