![Why healthy foods make you sick ?](img7yrs/img_day476.jpg)
I am sure that there are many people who wonder why they are getting sick ( includes cancer etc. ) despite the fact that they are eating healthy food.
Well... first of all the sickness doesn't come only from food and secondly the food that you are eating is not as healthy as you think. And in this article I will try to explain the 2nd point about the healthy food.
1. You can eat the best and the healthiest food in the world but if you mix it with something else then it may turn into being "toxic". I guess that makes complete sense to you once have told you about it but at the same time I know that there are many people who had no idea about combining the foods. For example the digestions of proteins takes longer time in the stomach while the carbohydrates require less time and thus if you eat the sweet desert right after eating a steak you are asking for problems because the dessert will be stuck with the proteins in the stomach for long time and it will start fermenting and producing gases.
2. Many of the healthy foods have an etiquette which says that it is healthy, natural or bio or something like this but the reality is that these words are used as marketing trick to get you buy it.
3. Apart from this there is one more point that must be mentioned here which is that humans desire to make profit and quite often they want to do it while cutting shortcuts. And thus what kind of guarantee do we have the product ( food ) that we buy is really healthy ? Well... we have none unless it is proven and checked that a specific manufacturer/farmer uses quality and natural products and methods for preparation and manufacturing of food.
4. Lately there also a lot of discussion about genetically modified foods. And in the end most if not all of these foods have actually negative effect on your body. And thus in that case it doesn't matter if you use natural and clean methods for growing and preparation of this kind of foods because in the end it will make you sick.
Now... how do I know what is healthy and what is not ? There are so many different theories, diets etc. on the market and it is really difficult to decide what is really good and not good for me. Personally I use the method which I have learned in the classes of kinesiology allows me to make test directly and in the moment whether a certain food or product is healthy or not for me. And the most interesting thing is that certain food can be healthy for me but it will affect negatively another person and thanks to the technique of muscle testing and I am able to determine this. It is very simple and allows me to avoid the confusion.