![R.I.P. and W.T.F](img7yrs/img_day473.jpg)
The R.I.P means"Rest In Peace" which is being said quite often when somebody dies and later it is written on the grave of the dead person.
But I don't really understand W(hy)TF do we say this. Because pretty much of the religions talk about the afterlife ( heaven or hell ). And thus if there is life after death then the dead person or its spirit is not going to rest in peace but it is going to do other things. And in the case of incarnation we have a situation when the people go to the grave yard doing their prayers and saying RIP, while this"dead person" could have been already incarnated into the body of a child from his own family.
Thus - unless somebody is an atheist and doesn't believe in after life - there is really no logic whatsoever within the saying RIP.
But I am not surprised because humanity quite often doesn't use logic or common sense and this is especially valid within the religion. And for me doing something without the common sense and logic indicates clearly that this somebody is being manipulated and brainwashed and this somebody does something because he has been told to do so and follows the orders which further indicates that the person has no free will whatsoever.
But let's go back to the RIP...
Yesterday a great person has passed away and I refer here to Bernard Poolman. He has dedicated utterly his life to the principle of equality and oneness and the principle of what is best for all. He has done all possible to put the things in motion so that this can be real one day. He has made all possible to stand up to the system and start doing things to stop the suffering and abuse on Earth. I have never met him in person but I have cried when I have heard the news that he passed away.
And now I have a question to all of you:"Do you really think that Bernard Poolman - who was an absolute living expression of the principle of "what is best for all" - will have his rest and he will Rest in Peace ?".
I cannot comprehend the fact that he has passed away but I am certain that wherever he is, he is not resting in peace. I cannot comprehend how he is doing it but I am certain that he continues working with his project of equality and oneness and he will not rest until it is done. He has been saying it many times "until it is all done" and I know that he will really continue doing it further. I JUST KNOW IT...
And I invite you to join his project. I invite you do join us at the Desteni Group and participate in this project because this project also includes you and thus it is also your project whether you want it or not. It includes all of us. This project is best for all. And the sooner we will realise it and the sooner we will work towards implementation of it, the sooner we will make it real and then we will have the paradise on earth.