I still have to catch up with posting online my previous articles but because of the special circumstances I will post them later and now I will post my article from today.
Today I have found a post on Facebook saying that Bernard Poolman has passed away. I said to myself: "WTF is this... ??? !!! is this some kind of joke or something ?". Anyway I started to check up my email to see if there is any other information about it. Unfortunately the message has been confirmed by people who have been living with Bernard.
This was completely unexpected. But well... death is part of this reality. I still had to go to see my client and thus I got myself prepared and I went to work. On the way and during my work I was trying to make up sense out of what has happened and what is going to be next and what is going to happen with Desteni Group.
Although Bernard has started the group it was clearly said right from the beginning that he is not a leader and that everybody participates within the group as equal being. And so it was clear to me that myself and everybody else from the group will continue with the whole process until we will establish the equality and oneness on earth ... until 1 +1 = 2.
After work I went home and I read the group chat regarding this topic. I was pretty cool all the time but at the end of the reading when it got even more clear that Bernard is dead I started to have tears. And then I started to cry and I continued to cry for some time. And I still have tears in my eyes ( some 3 hour later ) when I write this article.
Now... most of us would say that this is normal to cry when somebody like a friend, father, mother or a partner dies. Ok... that is fine... but Bernard Poolman was neither my father, neither my mother, neither my partner. Fuck... I have never met this guy in person. I have only read his articles and listened to his interviews which he has posted on Youtube and on internet. And apart from this I don't cry when somebody dies. I have not cried when my grandparents died... I have not cried when my uncle died from cancer... I am deeply saddened by what is going on in this reality on earth - wars, starvation, suffering, abuse etc. - but I don't cry because of it. I understand it... I comprehend it and why it is the way it is and I am focused and I do what needs to be done to change it.
Thus why am I crying right in this moment ?
As I said before I do not have tears in my eyes too often and very easy but still there are some moments when it happens. And this happens when I see and feel that somebody is genuine and does something for others out of good heart despite the difficulties of the reality within which we live in and without any intentions to make profit or any other personal benefits. Simply speaking it happens when I see that somebody does something for others without egoistic intentions. I know what I am talking about because I am very sensitive about this point. And I admire this type of people. And if I can I express my gratitude and admiration in words and directly.
Last time it happened to me few months ago when my friend helped me to get healed from a very serious skin problem. I have seen many people around trying to find help and he was the first one who was able to help me and he did it without any egoistic intentions. And I had some tears in my eyes because I have admired greatly what he did. He has helped me despite the fact that I could not pay him money for it. And he himself has debts to pay off.
Anyway... Bernard Poolman also deserves my gratitude and admiration. As I said I have never met him in person but he has helped me, he has helped humanity and he has helped the whole existence greatly. Thus I am not surprised that I am crying today so much. And this is a genuine and innocent crying - like a child. I cannot smile right in this moment because I am crying but still I feel joy that I can cry like this. This is really a good sign. Because it means that still there is somebody who gives a fuck about the shit that is going on here on earth and there is somebody who does all that he can to make the change for the best of all. And this deserves the highest honours and admiration.
"Although you have gone I know that you are still here and you will be always here. You have made me cry like a child and that shows that I admire greatly what you did. Thank you so much Bernard".