Let's continue with the previous article...
Both the patient as well as the therapist must understand and work together from the starting point that the patient is directly responsible for manifesting and creating the sickness and unless he decides to stop creating it further then the sickness will continue to develop within the body and the doctors/healers/therapists will only be able to suppress the symptoms which will give the false impression that the patient is getting healed.
Within this the role of the healer is to assist and help the patient with his experience and knowledge so that the whole process can go quicker and easier. But if the therapist doesn't pay attention and misses the point when the patient makes a sincere decision of making the change and getting healed and the healer continues with the treatment then he is literally allowing abuse and creating consequences for both the patient and himself because in this situation he is trying to do the healing process in a way that he is doing it for the patient.
And within this the common scenario is that the therapist - based on the exceptional success with his patients in treating and healing certain problems - is becoming very popular and people queue at the door of his clinic. With the time he becomes more experienced, more effective and he is able to help more people but if he is not careful and not aware then it is relatively easy for him to fall into the situation when he is getting tired and within that it is easier to further fall out of balance and make mistakes and instead of helping people to get healed he is trying to do it for them. Doing something for them will make him even more tired and exhausted and over longer period of time it will manifest itself as a sickness within his body.
As I said before possibly the doctor has good intentions ( at least that is what he believes ) but having good intentions is not enough to avoid creating many consequences, which will literally affect negatively the whole world - including the doctor himself.
Thus when assisting people with the healing process the therapists must remember this:
1. We must maintain ourselves in balance all the time because the moment we are out of it we will not be able to see things with clarity and then it is certain that we will make a mistake which will create consequences for both.
2. Instead of getting into the shit hole trying to push people out of it despite the fact that they are not doing anything to get out of there, stay on the bank, be stable and be the example so that people in the shit hole may see that it is possible to get out of it. Apart from this assist those who really want to get out of there and show them the way so that they can get out of there quicker.
3. And don't try to get out of there too many people at once if you see that this is over your strength because then you may fall down into the hole and you will not be able to help anybody anymore. Instead it would be much more effective to train those who are already with you on the bank and then the whole process of assisting and helping the others will be much quicker and much more effective.
It is a common sense stuff but yet I have seen my colleagues committing this mistake and falling down into the shit hole, which has created many consequences for them - sickness and many other problems. And in the end they all admit that it is not worth.
Thus remember this simple rule of keeping yourself in balance always and assist your patients instead of doing it for them.
To be continued...