There is one thing which I see for the second time in the last couple of weeks when speaking with my friends ( also therapists ) and this is that it is easy to fall from helping and assisting their patients in the process of dealing with the sickness into dealing with the symptoms and at the same time falling into polarity of the mind. And this - as always - carries consequences for both the therapist and the patient.
Thus let's have a look closer into it.
Let's say that I am very good practitioner/doctor and with the time I am becoming very popular and I have many patients. Having many patients means that I am getting busy and I have less and less time for myself to keep myself in good and balanced state - physically and mentally. Ok... maybe I have good intentions because I want to help as many people as possible but here is the dangerous point. I have noticed within my practice that once I am getting tired it is easier for me to miss very important points. And one of the most important points is that I - as a healer and therapist - can only assist the patients with my knowledge and experience so that the whole process can go quicker but the patient himself must decide to make the change and get healed within himself. It means that he must make the decision as himself within himself that he is doing it for himself and that he will do everything that is necessary to get healed.
I know that it seems completely ridiculous of me saying that the patient must want to be healed because it seems to be obvious that the sick person wants to get healed or otherwise he would not come to see me. But it is not so straight forward as you think and that's why I say it here because many don't follow up with their commitment until the end and some even don't make the commitment in the beginning and they expect that the therapist does everything for them.
And the point is that everybody must understand that we are absolutely responsible and we are the creators of our sickness. And this sickness is completely interconnected in totality with our whole life and to get healed we must change ourselves inside as well as on the outside which means that we must be prepared to leave everything which we value the most behind and start new life. And within this we must be also ready to face our ego and the dark side which normally we don't want to see and we suppress and we must transform it.
And thus if the patient doesn't understand this point and he doesn't want to face the shit, which he has created and allowed which has later manifested itself as a sickness as mirror of it, then no treatment will be ever effective in the long run. I will be able to deal with the symptoms but sooner or later the sickness will come back.
And thus it is extremely important for me as a therapist to be able to see this point and the commitment of the patient to the healing process, which means that he must be ready to do everything possible to get healed and change the whole life if necessary.
To be continued...