But here is the question: "WTF would somebody like and try to make people violent, abusive and encourage them to be destructive and kill others ?".
Well... I don't know whether this is being done intentionally with the goal to make people violent or it is simply the guy who has made the game and he simply likes the heave metal music and it happens that the songs have contained the words "I hate you and I kill you" or something like that. Thus I could write here another conspiracy theory and hypothesis about somebody planning the war and destruction etc. But this is not certain and it is easy to get lost within it.
And thus whenever I find myself in the situation when I don't know what and why I try to go always to the basics and common sense. And this is always the best because then usually I find the clarity very easy. And thus in the case of this little girl playing the computer game with this song about hate and killing I have suggested to the parents to throw this game away and be aware and conscious of what their child is doing and what kind of games she is playing.
Can you see the simplicity within it ?
I don't have to know the intention and the reason why the creator has made this game with this kind of music. I know that it is not constructive and as a matter of fact it has a potentially negative influence on the person playing it. Thus I return it to the shop and get the money back or I throw it away and I don't participate within it anymore. And eventually the creator of the game will have think why the game is not selling well or if this was really the elite trying to manipulate humans to become violent and abusive I am also messing up with their plans. Simple and effective and I don't have to waste time on the conspiracy theories because as I said before nothing is certain and it is easy to get lost within it.