There is one point about the video games that we must make clear right from the beginning which is that the games are neither bad or good. Firstly because this thing about what is good and bad will always lead us to endless discussion between various groups which bring nothing constructive anyway and secondly the game is just the game.
But then we can look at the point of what we do with this game and how we use it. And if we use it with the intention and in a way which is best for all then there is not really much to discuss about it. But unfortunately most of our games ( if not all ) are not made with this intention at all. First of all the games are made with the intentions to make as much profit as possible. And secondly I have noticed that many of the games look like there were made with the intention to get the people to get addicted to them ( with the intention to make more profit ) and manipulate people who play them so that they do what somebody intends them to do.
And why would I say this ?
Well... why would the creator of the game, which is also being played by the children, put in the game songs with the words like: "...I hate you...", "I kill you...", "fuck this shit..." etc. I have seen once a daughter of my friend ( about 6-7 years old ) playing a game listening to this kind of music.
One could say that it is just the music and that I am exaggerating. But on the other hand why would the big corporations pay millions of dollars for making commercials with the intention to get people to buy their product ? This is because they know, which was proven by scientific studies that it is possible to influence people's minds to buy something even if they don't need it by creating a need with the mind of the watcher of the advertising on TV.
And thus I see exactly the same strategy and the same tricks from the marketing specialist, which are being used within the video game to influence and manipulate people to be violent and abusive. Of course not everybody who plays the game will go and kill somebody but this is the same as with buying the products which are shown on TV commercials - some will buy it and some will not. But as I said before it has been shown and proven scientifically that the advertising influences the decisions of the people and some people actually will do it because this has been inserted into their mind and they have allowed themselves to act upon it.
To be continued...