Catching up with posting online my articles because of being busy with work. I am witting my articles every day as part of my commitment... just posting is lagging...
I have noticed it when I was sick last year when I had an inflammation in my stomach.
I have done a lot of studies about the healthy diet and thus I am very strict about what I eat. I am not paranoid about counting calories or anything like this but I do watch that food which I eat is as natural as possible, as least processed as possible and without any additives if possible. But although the food which I eat is good it was not enough to prevent the inflammation in my stomach because of the emotional stress and physical tiredness from working too much.
Well... it happened and it was somehow annoying to have it. But it was interesting to see how I was attracted towards the foods which I normally don't eat and from time to time I have actually bought some of the junk food and ate it. It seemed as if I was looking desperately to take the symptoms away and feel better instantaneously. Sometimes it made me feel better but this was only temporarily then the symptoms were back. And when I analyse it now I can see that it was a typical behaviour of trying to deal with the symptoms instead of investigating the real cause behind it and correct it. Anyway I have written many times in my articles about it and this just another example of it.
Eventually after some months I have discovered the real cause of my problems with my stomach, I have corrected it and now I am good. And also my diet and choice for foods which I buy is back to normal - healthy and nutritious which supports my body efficiently.
This whole situation reveals to me a destructive pattern which I have allowed within my life. If I continued denying to address the real causes I was on the way to get seriously sick. But I have stopped. And I am glad that I did it. Who wouldn't it ???
I have noticed lately a very similar pattern in relation to my work. Apart from my daily job I also have other responsibilities to do at home after work e.g. writing my daily articles of my Journey to Life... and this not always so easy because sometimes I spend about 2 hours on writing and posting online my article. And thus instead of focusing on what needs to be done and have rest I allow myself to waste time on the computer doing senseless things which includes playing games like Candy Crash Saga on Facebook. Thus I play this game, it is getting late, I am getting more tired but still I have to write the article. And then I finish all late, I get really exhausted and as I consequence of this behaviour and pattern I am accumulating tiredness which I carry at least on to the next day especially because this also affects my rest at night. And it is clear that this affects my overall effectiveness of functioning with my life. The conclusion is that I am attracted to the "junk food" to make myself feel better by suppressing the symptoms instead of dealing with the real cause behind it all.
Now... this time I can identify much easier this pattern ( and writing helps a lot with it ) and thus it is easier for me to correct it. And I will do it now. Now it is 11 pm and I am going to finish work with the computer which is rather unusual for me and I take care of my body and myself. I will not post online this the article tonight because I am still behind with the articles from the previous days, which is the result of the destructive pattern which I have allowed in my life but I will catch up tomorrow after having good rest tonight.