Catching up with posting online my articles because of being busy with work. I am witting my articles every day as part of my commitment... just posting is lagging...
This is going to be rather quick today...
Within the system of Basic Income Guaranteed every being will have guaranteed certain amount of money every month so that s/he has enough to pay for all necessary and basic needs ( food, water, cloths, housing and few other things which will be decided as necessary for survival ). Whether s/he works or not everybody will have guaranteed income.
But then here is the big question in regards to the BIG ( Basic Income Guaranteed ).
How are we going to get to give it to everybody ?
And to answer this question I will answer it with another question:
How are we able to get money for military spending in the current system within the budget in the amount of 1,75 trillion dollars ( in the whole world ) which includes 680 billion dollars within the budget of USA which is around 25% of its total spending while spending on education is only 4% ? And we have to remember that for example USA has in 2013 a deficit in the amount of 17,5 trillion USD and still it is dedicating 680 billion USD on military !!!
Do you know what could be done in the world with 1,75 trillion dollars !!! ??? And this is just the official figure. And we are not talking here about the illegal stuff !!!
For sure there would be no starvation, homeless people, slavery for money etc.
If it is possible to find money for military spending then why would it not be possible to find money for BIG ???????????