I have finished writting this article late at night and I was tired thus I am posting this article today.
And thus because we are dealing with humans who time after time have showed and proven in deeds their immaturity, stupidity and lack of responsibility we can indeed expect that the honey bees population will decrease drastically in the years to come and it will affect the global food production.
Thus let's have a look at some points as a consequence of dying off the honey bees taking into consideration the usual way of thinking and acting of humans. And thus because humans don't like to treat and correct the core of the problem but instead they are looking for quick and easy solutions to treat the symptoms then we can expect that the scientists will come up with some new crazy ideas which will "fix" the problem quickly and which will make them famous and make them very rich.
1. According to the statistics we have already around 1 billion people who are not receiving proper nutrition ( includes severe starvation ). Obviously this number will gradually grow and the situation will get worse together with the dying off the bees.
2. Probably the scientists will come up with an idea about genetically modified trees, grains, plants etc. which will not need the bees to pollinate the flowers.
3. Or maybe they will create a robot ( mini insect ) which would do the job of the honey bees. Although this idea seems at first to be taken completely out of the blue I wouldn't discard it so easy because we already have a miniaturized technology which is capable of creating something like this and possibly the military is using already this type of mini robots. Of course they will not tell us about it but the point is that the idea about creating mini-robots-insects to pollinate the plants is fairly possible.
But whatever the idea will be, as long as the new ideas of humans will be directed towards fixing the symptoms easy and quickly we will only create further long term consequences and we will only further abuse and diminish life on earth. Because look at it... coming up with an idea of a mini-robot-insect will create a feeling of achievement, excitement and victory and this energetic feeling in itself will convince humans that we don't really need the bees. And in this way we will allow the extinction of the species or at least the drastic reduction of its population. And in this way we will give up and allow destruction of life for the sake of robots.
But this is not only about bees because within this act of allowing extinction of bees and substituting them with robots we show that we don't value life. And instead we show our stupidity. But we don't even see that we are so stupid because we are good at suppressing it. And in this case it would be supress with the feeling of satisfaction and achievement of creating robots-insects.
I say again that this idea about the mini-robots-insects seems at first completely science fiction but if we look closely at how the humans act we should agree that we are capable of doing it. And I am not referring to being capable to technologically create something like this and make it work but I am saying that we are capable to allow the extinction of honey bees and allow to give away and to substitute life for artificial intelligence. This type of behaviour clearly shows where human beings are within their evolution ( or rather devolution ) and we are at the point where we don't value life, we don't respect life and we don't deserve to be here on earth because we only destroy it. And because all life is equal ( humans, animals, insects, plants etc. ) thus humanity should be charged for mass murder.