Did you know that the bees are dying off by the billions ?
Probably not... I wouldn't have a clue either but I have seen some posts on Facebook about it and this got my attention. Later I have connected the dots and I have realised that this is happening for real.
The first thing which comes to mind when we hear about the bees dying is that there would be no more honey which the bees gather from the flowers. But within that there is one more thing which goes along with it and which is much more important ( if we can say that ) than the honey because the bees facilitate pollination for most plant life and thus without bees, there would be significantly less pollination, which would result in an agricultural catastrophe - limited plant growth and lower food supplies.
And now here are some points which I see when it comes to humans and this problem:
1. Some people directly involved with the honey know it from inside and they try desperately find the answer to why the bees are dying.
2. Many people don't know anything about and thus have no idea that something like this is happening.
3. Some people find about it through the media ( TV, social media and internet ).
Most of the people from the 3rd group record this message within their mind but at the same time they have a belief within their mind that they can do nothing about it and thus they continue with their life as before without trying to do anything about it. The passiveness about is comes also from the fact that these people don't feel as if they were directly affected and threatened by it and thus to them it seems as if that was not their problem and this is the typical human attitude towards this type of situations - if it doesn't affect me directly right now or in the near future then I let it be because I am busy with other things and/or I have many other problems to deal with.
Obviously this is showing the stupid short sightedness of humans... because the problem is already here and it will be bigger - it is just a matter of time. Now it would be still relatively easy to correct it and later it will be a massive disaster which will be difficult to repair. But it looks like we will not do much about it now and we will wait until we are directly affected by it.
Human stupidness... nothing else...
Here is the article in which you can read more about the problem with dying bees: http://www.beesfree.biz/The%20Buzz/Bees-Dying
To be continued...