Let's say that you live your tranquil life with your family, you grow your own food, you live in a house which you have built yourself, you have friends and neighbours with whom you spend time and you share your resources etc. But then one day somebody comes to your village and tells you that the king/god has given an order that the population must give him 1/10th of their goods/resources. For you it seems completely ridiculous that somebody can come and give you some orders to give somebody else something that you have got with your hard work and you laugh at these and you don't take them seriously. But in that moment they come to you beat you up violently. You are in complete shock because you are not used to this type of behaviour in your village. But even though they are much stronger than you, you try to defend yourself. But this only makes worse because they beat you up even more. You are lying in pain on the ground and these people go into your house and take your food which you have gathered for the winter and other things which were necessary for your survival.
On the way out of the village they say that they will come back next week and warn everybody that if they don't prepare 1/10th of their resources then they will beat them up as well. The fear spreads among the people. They are confused, shocked and frightened and they don't know what to do.
Next week - out of fear to not be beaten up - they prepare 1/10th of their resources which they have gathered with their own hands and their own work for the representatives of the king who has issued the order. People don't like it and they don't agree with it but they are afraid and they believe that they have no choice. And so they do it every month. From time to time there is someone in the village who tries to refuse to give his resources but it always ends up that the soldiers beat up the person severely in front of everybody as an example to not object the orders of the king.
After some time people start to get used to this situation and they take is as normal. It is normal that their children accept is also as normal and when they grow up they do as their parents. And thus the generation after generation the people give away 1/10th of their resources to the king. Actually this 1/10th is much more than it used to be in the beginning because the king issued new orders requiring that people give him more. For example if you receive something from somebody as an inheritance you have to also give the king 1/10th of its value. It is ridiculous but you don't even question this ridiculousness anymore. You just accept every order of the king without questioning it. Some people are not happy about it and they talk a lot about it between them but nobody confronts the king and his tax collectors openly out of fear of being beaten up. This happened every time whenever somebody tried to stand up against the king and thus the people prefer to do as they are being told. And as I said before the more time goes by the more normal it seems to be for everybody to pay the taxes.
But even though this whole situation with the taxes has been generally accepted in the village, still there is from time to time an individual who questions it and tries to convince people to do something about it. But people either laugh at him or give him this type of answers: "oh man !!!... this would be nice !!!... this would be perfect !!!... but this is not real... THIS IS UTOPIA... don't waste time on it... it is never going to happen... you cannot change the world because you are too small and too insignificant... you'd better work like everybody else..."