First of all I don't like the concept of the taxes at all and the reason for it is the starting point of paying the taxes was based on violence, abuse and forcing the people by the leader ( Caesar, king, prince etc. ) to pay the taxes under the threat of being hurt or even killed and thus the taxes should be abolished completely. And although today there is no more threat of being hurt physically ( although I am sure that in some countries this is still existent ), there is still a threat of being fined or even imprisoned which is also form of abuse and hurt because the law doesn't take into consideration that a person evading the payment of the taxes is in a difficult situation and struggles to survive. And in the end the taxes are still being used to pay for the comfort and luxuries of the wealthy ones and those who are in power ( royal families, presidents, politicians etc. ). And another point which I completely don't agree when it comes to taxes is that a big part of it is being dedicated towards the military and war instead of using it to help people - education, health care etc. And thus the system of the taxes has been completely fucked, it is fucked today and it will be fucked in the future unless we do something about it and change it.
And now let's have a look at the wealthy ones and their approach towards paying the taxes. In theory they are obliged to pay taxes as everybody else is but in practice this looks very different.
First of all it is much easier for the wealthy ones to move their resources and finances into the tax paradise countries in which they don't have to pay taxes.
Secondly they have money to pay for the best lawyers and that means that the lawyer gives them best possible legal advice on how to pay as little taxes as possible ( the poor ones usually don't have this opportunity ). And here I am talking about investing money into something which is shown as investment or false cost which reduces the actual profit in the balance statement and thus the amount of the taxes which the wealthy one should be paying. And this investment includes very often buying or building of luxury villas, buying luxury cars, yachts, planes etc. which are in reality not necessary to have. But the concept behind it is that it is better to have this luxury car instead of paying the taxes ( absolute egoism ). And this is what all the wealthy ones do all the time. And it is a very stupid concept because they are spending millions on huge and luxury villas or yachts and they use them only for 1 or 2 weeks in a year for holiday. And we have so many homeless people who could easily use these villas instead of sleeping on the streets !!! But at the same time why could we not use the resources in a more effective way and instead of building one luxury villa we could build for the same money many modern apartments ? I am sure that there would be not a single homeless person in the world if the wealthy ones would change their priorities in regards to spending the money with the intention to avoid the taxes. Unfortunately it is very unlikely that the wealthy ones will suddenly change their mind and free-willingly give up their unnecessary luxuries and thus many people and animals will have to continue to suffer longer until we get to the point when we passively force or convince them to give up their personal luxuries for the benefit of the whole world.
I am sure that there are many other ways of avoiding paying of the taxes by the riches while the poor ones have no other choice but to pay it or otherwise they will be fines or even imprisoned. There is no justice in the current system but it is us who have created and allowed it to be this way. We have a chance and possibility to change it but it is required that we are active about it because if we don't do anything about it the current system is going to continue to exist and abuse the people. One of the first steps towards the change would be establishment of the Basic Income Grant for everybody and later we could go further towards the Equal Money System, which is the system in which everybody would have equal access to all the resources necessary to have happy and dignified life.