I had problem with internet last night and thus I am posting my article today.
I would like to remind all of the readers that we have been already past the big date ( 21.12.2012 ) of the Mayan Calendar by more than 6 months and the world - as you can see - still exists. And nothing really has changed - at least not for me and not for people around me.
Nobody from who I know has disappeared suddenly from this reality and ascended into different dimension. All of my friends and colleagues are still here... even those who were so certain that the ascension will take place and they were telling me about their vivid visions which they have received from aliens.
Well... there could be a possibility that nobody has disappeared ( ascended ) because through the mercy of the almighty god everybody has ascended together with the whole planet and thus we are all together in the new dimension. But why the hell do we have the same daily struggle to survive ? According to many predictions all was supposed to be trans-mutated in the moment of passing of the earth through the galactic equator and its strong energies.
Nothing has changed... the same shit as before... And this was a big date because the spiritual teachers have been talking about it already some 30 years before it.
So what are you going to do now ?
Are you going to continue to sit on your ass and allow the destruction of our planet done by humans ( including you ) ? And will you allow the abuse, wars, crime etc. to continue ?
How about you do something about it ???
No... you are not too small and too insignificant... You can do much more than you think... but you have to start doing something to see the results of your actions...
If you still don't know what to do then how about supporting Equal Money System, Basic Income Grant and Equal Life Foundation ?