The three words question... simple question... but yet I have noticed that this simple question can be extremely complicated because it can carry within it many dimensions of the mind. And this is what I have noticed today when having a conversation with a friend about somebody else and wanting to ask if that other person is gay. Thus let's have a closer look at the multi-dimensions within this simple question.
First of all the word gay could be a word which is completely neutral or it could carry negative or positive charge and this will all depend on the each person depending of what is there relation towards this word and gay people.
In my particular case I have noticed that I have given this word a negative charge. Not that I am saying that gays are bad people but I have noticed that I have defined myself as non-gay pertaining to the bigger group of non-gays and thus I have defined myself and my group as somehow better and the group of gays as worse. And thus by wanting to ask about other person if he is gay and then making some jokes with the intention to make him look less I wanted to prove the superiority and "betterness" of myself and my group. And whenever there is superiority and inferiority there is no equality. And whenever there is no equality there a huge problem.
It is a very delicate difference within it. It is a very fine judgment but the fact is that it exists within my mind and thus I participate within the polarities of the mind creating frictions with multitude of consequences which are also very fine and difficult to spot on at first. But for example the energy generated from the friction is adding to all the energy generated by other people and this will manifest itself in the form of abuse and violence against the gay people. I know that for many people this seems completely crazy and like another fairy story. But I am not making it up. It is just that nobody teaches you about it in school or at home but once you start investigating and studying the mind you will start to notice it yourself. And then you will know and see that this is creating the reality of our world and you and me are directly responsible for it.
To be continued...