This is the continuation of the previous article:
You are highly intelligent but you cannot grasp the idea of oneness and equality... So what is happening here ? Why can you not understand it ? It is not complicated at all... as a matter of fact it is simple... In reality it is all that you wish for... it is all that you talk about with others when you say that you would like to make the world a better place, to stop the war, to stop the suffering etc... And you say that you would do anything to achieve it but unfortunately you are alone and you cannot do it because it is overwhelming for one person like you to do it... But at least you have good intentions... don't you ? And this makes you look even better person because it looks like you are a person who cares and who's got a good heart and there is only very few in this world who are like this...
Thus you are highly intelligent, you are one of the bests, you have good heart but you cannot understand and comprehend the idea of oneness and equality... you cannot understand the simplicity and the genius behind the Equal Money System...
But this is not only about not understanding it... you are as a matter of fact a furious enemy of it and you fight against it...
Thus tell me... why are you fighting against something which would make the world a better place... a world which would be best for all people, animals, nature and the whole planet ?
Is it maybe because you fear that in the world which is best for all and in the world which lives the principle of what is best for all you will not be able to be the best anymore ?
Your specialness and being the best has been defined through your ego and it depends on the system in which there are others who are under you... and to achieve it ( your specialness ) they cannot have access to education, food, house, money etc. And the more they are below you the more special you seem to be. And you don't want "not to be the best". And thus you don't want the current system to change. You say that you want but you don't... because you exist as ego which is "what is best for me and what makes me the best at the cost of others so that this specialness is greater".
The principle of oneness and equality together with the Equal Money System presents a possibility to make the real change to the current system but because your specialness and being the best depends completely on the existence of the current system thus you are terrified by it. And you fight it furiously. It is not that you don't understand it. In some way you perfectly comprehend it but you are afraid of it because this new system would expose your ego and you would not be special anymore like you are now. And apart from this you would have to face your ego and you don't want to do it because it is not a beautiful picture at all. It is not as positive as you have defined yourself to be.
You are not the best... you are fucking egoist who cares about your own ass and being special... Instead of using your intelligence and connections to facilitate the implementation of the new system which is best for all, you use your resources to fight it and prevent its implementation in this world.
Thus be aware from NOW on that because of your specialness and being the best you are allowing the unbelievable suffering in this world and you are directly responsible for it.
To be continued...