![About the best ones](img7yrs/img_day429.jpg)
I continue writing my daily blogs but there is a small delay with the online publishing of my articles because of the internet problems in the last 2 days.
You are good... you are really good... you are the best... you are very intelligent ( your IQ score is very high )... you are successful... you have money... you believe in god and positive thinking... you are confident... you are superior...
You know all of this yourself because you have compared yourself to the majority of people in this world and based on this comparison you have enforced your beliefs about yourself that you are superior...
And others confirm it by telling you this directly ( your friends ) and you will be pleased with it or others ( enemies ) will tell you the same indirectly by hating you and envying you for being the best and successful...
Thus you are the best and very, very intelligent...
But despite your superiority and intelligence you cannot comprehend the idea of oneness and equality... no matter how much you read about it, you cannot get it...
But why not... ?
If you only dedicated time and energy towards studying basically anything in this world, you would succeed and you would pass the exams with high marks.
But you cannot grasp the idea of oneness and equality...
To be continued...