Let's say that I have a conflict at home which turns into a fight and in the end I kill the other person. It is obvious that I will go on trial and I will end in in prison.
And now let's say that there is a group of people having a conflict with the government which wants to convert a city park in Istanbul in Turkey into a shopping mall. The conflict turns into a fight and in the end at least few people are being killed.
And who will go to prison ?
Neither the policeman nor the president who ordered the policeman to remove the protestants. And most probably there will be few of the protestants who will go to jail for organizing the manifestation.
Can you see it ?
Exactly the same scenario but different outcome... it is fucked... isn't it ?
Can we do something about it ?
Yes and no...
NO... We cannot win the war in this way because the president, the rich and the elite has the resources and military to push their way even at the cost of few ( or even few thousand ) dead people. We could win a single battle and get to the point of removing the current president of Turkey from the power but then most probably there will be somebody else who will take his position and he will continue with the same shit. Thus we could win this single battle but there will be many dead and in the end we will lose the whole war in the end. We have seen it very clearly over the last few decades. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
YES... We could win the whole war with the elite if we changed the tactics and the strategy. And here are the few points to consider: 1. We must unite in the group which will be strong and work together towards implementation of a new system which would be best for all. The current president doesn't represent the people. He represents the elite because they have sponsored his electoral campaign and thanks to them he has got a luxury life style. We can only win if we unite and persist until the change is done.
2. Don't engage in any kind of direct clashes and fights with the police and military. You are fighting against brainwashed robots equipped with armour and guns and they will smash you. The elite has the power and the resources and they will 99.999 % of time win this type of clashes and at the same time killing "valuable" people who could lead the whole revolution years ahead. For them it is not a problem to kill you. They are protected and they will not be held responsible for it. We have seen it already on a multitude of occasions around the world and over many centuries. Why should we make the same mistake ?
3. If the elite wants to build a shopping center make a life time commitment to ignore it - don't participate in the construction of it, don't rent the shop and don't do the shopping there at all etc. And again it would be easier to coordinate this type of actions if people worked together in a group.
4. Engaging into the demonstrations which turn into violent clashes raises the possibility of turning it into a situation with unpredictable outcome and in this type of situation the president and the elite have always advantage. They have guns and they can have much more and much better guns than you could have and 99.99% of times you will lose the battle and possibly you will be killed. And once you are killed you can do nothing else here while the elite will be still here because they are well protected within their luxury villas and they send against you brainwashed militants who have been well prepared and trained to kill. So... they will get rid of you without being hold responsible for it and they will be pushing forward with their shit.
Don't let yourself be directed by the emotions. It would be much more beneficial if you would investigate the best possible plan of action and execute it until it is done - even if it would mean that you have to work with it your whole life.
This is how you will win with the elite. But you must use the current system to remove them from the power. Investigate Equal Money System and Equal Life Foundation.
SLEEPING TIME TODAY: 5 hrs at night and 30 min during the day ( but out of this 30 min only 5-10 min was a proper sleep )