This is the continuation of the previous article:
So... can you imagine this ? I have been trying to work it out already for almost 15 years !!! Time after time I have been knocked down and I had to stop the experiment because it was detrimental for my body. I have not given up but I had to stop the experiment and hope that I will be able to find another method. And it was because I could not understand why I am waking up tired - I refer to the annoying feeling in my head and eyes. And at the same time I have had for all that time a strong memory from a childhood when I woke up one morning, I have opened my eyes and I was immediately already here and present. I didn't need some time to wake up my body and my mind. I didn't need to "upload" the program. It was incredible and so strong that I have clear memory of that event until now and it will probably stay with me for the rest of my life. And I am so thankful for this short moment because it helped me to get me to this point today.
And what is so special today ? What point am I talking about ?
Well... in the last 2 weeks I have managed on multiple occasions to sleep 4 hours at night and then I had 2 short moments ( 15 min and 30 min ) of rest during the day and I am fine. I don't have this annoying feeling in my eyes and my mind, I don't have the heaviness in my chest and my heart and I don't have to make up for it with 16 hours of sleep as it was in the past when the tiredness has accumulated and I had to stop the experiment. This time is different.
I am still working on perfecting this method but the results so far are very promising - at least for me. But there are few points that I have to mention. The whole process is not magical or anything like this. I have to push myself to do it. But I am not forcing myself to do it. There is a delicate but yet big difference here between these 2 words. I am directing myself and making the choice for myself as myself. I am not motivated by money or anything/anybody outside of myself. It is my decision. To wake up after 4 hours at night I am using alarm clock and sometimes it is not easy and I let myself to fall back into sleep. For example last night I did it and in the end I have slept for 7 hours. This is still better than the 8-10 hours in the past but in that moment this is not the optimum. And here comes the point which I need to work on and really put to the test whether my body can really be able to function effectively on that regime. So far I see great benefits to it and I will continue doing it. Thus from now on I will leave a little note in my articles about my daily sleep routine so that you may also participate within my experiment.
How have I got there and how have I worked out the regime ?
I have used the technique which I have leaned in my classes of Kinesiology ( muscle testing ). You may find information about it on Youtube or simply google it.
To be continued...