Now... I have no proof how exactly this is being done but the technology is advanced enough to measure this type of magnetic frequencies emitted by the body. There has been many studies done and we have instruments to record the frequency waves of the brain and there are already developed electronic devices which can be controlled with the thought because each thought has its magnetic frequency and energy charge which can be detected by special electrodes and later this can be transformed into a computer program.
And thus if we have this type of technology then how can it not be possible that somebody is using it already secretly to control and abuse others ? We live in the world in which abuse is a normal thing and desire to make as much profit as possible justifies this abuse. And thus capability to measure the frequency and strength of the human magnets can be easily used against them especially because people how have idea about such a possibilities because as I said this I being done in secret and at the same time somebody makes intentional efforts to keep people in this state of not knowing.
As I said before I have no physical proof that somebody is using this kind of technologies against people but I have enough proof that people are capable to abuse others in the name of profit and this is enough to be sure that this is a real fact and not some kind of conspiracy science fiction and conspiracy theory.