Thus we continue with my article about the balance shit of the war in Syria. They don't have enough natural resources and that's why ( this is only one of the main reasons ) the USA and other European countries don't want to intervene into the conflict and stop the war. But that doesn't mean that somebody doesn't make profit anyway.
Syria has been in war for the last 2 years. The economy is fucked, people don't have jobs and they don't pay taxes ( and that is how the government makes budget and pays for the army and weapons ) but still the President Bashar al-Assad and the ruling party need to have weapons to continue the war. And the same applies to the opposition. The guns are not free. Actually they are fucking expensive and somebody has to pay for it somehow. But here we have the people who give guns on credit and they will be paid off in the future.
These are the details which we don't pay attention to because nobody talks about it in the news but the gun trading is a big business around the world. And this is how somebody makes profit on the war in Syria even though the country doesn't have resources which would be an excuse for USA and other countries to intervene into the conflict. Of course apart from paying the invoices for the guns, the president of Syria ( if he wins ) will be very grateful ( and obliged to comply with the conditions ) to those who gave him credit and support and he will pay them off also in different ways.
To be continued...