I didn't have access to internet yesterday thus I am posting my article today.
Any sickness is unpleasant - even the simple cold is annoying because your nose is blocked and you cannot breath properly, the body feels weak etc. But fortunately this goes away relatively easy and it is over.
But what about other sicknesses which are more complicated ?
Well... you will probably not contemplate and waste too much time on thinking about it unless you have been sick yourself. But once you get sick you will start to ask yourself questions. And this is the beauty of it because thanks to the sickness we have great opportunity to look at the things that we have denied to look at for quite some time and then we have a chance to make the correction and change the things.
The sickness never comes out of sudden. The only thing that comes out of sudden is the diagnosis of the doctor who gives you the official name for all the symptoms that you have. Because in reality the sickness ( especially the more complicated ones ) develop over long period of time and all the way there your body gives you ( talks to you ) the signs indicating that something is not ok. And the problem is that if you don't listen to these signs and don't make any correction but instead you suppress these signs for example with the pain killer, you are heading for a major problem which will develop over time.
Thus once you are sick don't ignore it and instead look very closely at all the signs and what the sickness is telling you about you and your life. Look at what you have created and allowed to exist in your life. In the beginning it may be difficult because you are simply not used to it and nobody has taught you about it at school. But this is not a valid excuse. In the end you are the one who did not want to study and learn in your own time. And once you start seeing where and how you have got yourself into the shit then you have a chance to correct it and possibly you will also get better. I use the word "possibly" because it all depends on the advancement of the sickness. Most of the things can be healed once you address effectively the cause of it and make the correction. But there is also times when it is already too late. For example advanced cancer makes serious damage to the body and recovering from it 100% is very difficult and quite often impossible.
Thus I recommend that you don't ignore your sickness but instead look at it as your helper. Don't suppress the symptoms with the medicine without investigating the message which it carries within it. Although the sickness if fucking annoying but in the end it is the greatest savior and helper in the world. It helps people to change. And once you understand the message and you change yourself, you will be very grateful that it happened to you.