About respecting elders

I didn't have access to internet yesterday thus I am posting my article today.

This is the continuation of the previous article:


This young person grows older and he reaches a point when he himself expects others to respect him. And it is not about: "what have I done in my life to be respected" but it is about: "I am older then you and you should respect me" because this is the norm of the society. And if you don't do it I have the right to get angry with you and punish you either through verbal or physical abuse or in some other form.

Now... I am not saying that you should ignore and do nothing if a young person disrespects you. But before you react in anger, I ask that you investigate for yourself if you really deserve to be respected. Have you done something in your life to deserve respect ? Old age is not enough because in your long life on earth you might have done a lot of shit and harm to others and this doesn't deserve respect at all.

One important point to remind everybody... the outside world is the mirror reflection of what is going on within you, thus if you get disrespect from others and you react in anger for example then you should look at the point of where are you disrespecting yourself. Maybe you disrespect yourself by being addicted to something, maybe you disrespect yourself by letting others taking advantage of you, abusing you etc. Investigate your life and if you look closely, you find certain aspects within your life through which you disrespect yourself and thus the reaction of others showing you disrespect is the consequence of it. But it is not them. It is you, showing yourself through them that you disrespect yourself.

There is also a situation when you get disrespect from others but you don't have any kind of reaction of anger or similar. In this case the current system is showing you the disrespect because you are challenging it with your ideas of life without ego and living the principle of what is best for all.

Thus you see... insisting and forcing children and younger persons to respect you because you are older is just a norm of society which is brainwashed to follow the program and which doesn't use common sense. It is a program because you react like a robot to a certain trigger point ( seeing an older person ) without analyzing whether this person deserves the respect based on who that person is and what he/she has done in his life.

And the same is with the war veterans. This is also brainwashing. We all know what the war is all about but yet we have been brainwashed to respect the veterans and if you are one of them then you expect others to respect you.

As for me it is this way: if you live the principle of what is best for all then you have my respect but if you know about the principle of what is best for all and you are fighting against it, then fuck off because you are an egoistic bastard who intentionally disrespects life.

To be continued...



Published: 2013 - January - 16      © Copyright 2012 - Greg Wiater