We will force ourselves to share

I didn't have access to internet yesterday thus I am posting my article today.

It is being said that there is necessity to reduce the population in the world due to the fact that there are limited resources and it is not enough of them for all of the people currently living on earth. But I have to say that this is not true because the actual problem with the resources is not lack of them but rather the wrong management of them. There are relatively few beings who are accumulating excess of these resources for themselves out of greed and fear of not having enough in the future and thus leaving big part of population struggling to survive. And thus if we could manage the resources in different way ( through sharing ) then we would see that there is more then enough for all the beings currently living on earth.

But unfortunately we ( humanity and especially those who have accumulated excess of the resources for themselves ) are not willing to comprehend it and free-willingly cooperate in making the changes in the management of the resources so that everybody has equal access to them and doesn't have to struggle to survive anymore.

But you know what ?

We are not ready to make the change free-willingly but we will be forced and we will force ourselves to do it anyway. It is already happening in the world. The economic crises and unemployment has forced already many people to live their houses and live together with their families and share together small house or apartment. If somebody doesn't have family with whom he/she may live together then he/she is forced to live in a tent on the street and still he is forced to share with others what they have.

But this is not the end of the story. There are more and more people who are becoming desperate because they are really pressed against the wall and they have nothing else to loose thus they are committing crimes and other unlawful activities. The robberies are becoming more common these days. But look... the robbery is also an act of sharing where the rich people are being forced to share with others what they have.

Thus you see... this is the confirmation of my statement that we will be forced and we will force ourselves to share what we have. The only problem is that instead of doing it in peaceful and harmless way, we will go the hard way and through a process of unnecessary suffering and pain. And at the same time we are risking that somebody - out of desperation - will do something stupid and in his craziness he/she may destroy life on earth ( e.g. start nuclear war ).

To be continued...



Published: 2012 - November - 18      © Copyright 2012 - Greg Wiater