![People want to have heros and not wise men](img7yrs/img_day214.jpg)
This is the continuation of the previous article:
Now... I don't want that you misunderstand completely my point about the hero. I want to indicate that as long as the hero is the part of the construct of polarity of hero and victim ( positive and negative ) then this is all bullshit and meaningless shit. But if the hero exist outside of the construct pf polarities and represents the principle of what is best for all then the situation is completely different.
Thus let's continue the analysis of the differences between the hero and the wise man. The hero is somebody who helps/saves others from the situation of danger, helps the poor and sick etc. It requires courage and quite often he puts in danger his own life to save others. The wise man is usually able to assess the situation and the possible danger and act in a way which prevents the situation in which we would need the hero to help/save others from the situation of danger.
The action of a hero raises a lot of strong emotions and thus brings on the attention of the people, while on contrary the action of the wise man is done "in silence" and people who are looking for energy high from strong emotions, don't notice the actions of a wise man as necessary or valuable. Thus the wise man stays usually unnoticed. Of course we are talking about the situation in the current system where the majority of people are addicted to energetic high from the emotions.
The reason why people don't appreciate and don't see the genius in the approach of the wise man is because we have been accustomed and brainwashed into treating the symptoms and not the real core cause of the problem. And the actions of the hero are exactly doing what people are accustomed to see and expect - treating the symptoms. And because it gives energy high as an extra bonus, thus people prefer to have in the society the heroes rather then wise men.
Now... why are the films with the heroes so popular ?
Apart from the reasons mentioned above there is one important point here. The film shows the whole life of a hero with all the moments of struggle which lead him to the moment of glory which gives us the feeling of real ecstasy ( similar to orgasm ) in a very short period of time ( 1 - 2 hrs of a film ) and within this period of time people can experience a lot of strong emotions with tears and this fulfills their need for energy high from strong emotions.
To be continued...